According to the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG), Nigeria’s unemployment rate will hit 37% in 2023. In another report, it is estimated that in Nigeria, more than 55.4% of youths between the ages of 18 and 35 are currently unemployed.

These and more were the reasons why the Ugwumba Center for Leadership Development in Africa was founded in 2018 by Ugwumba Uche Nwosu with a mission to raise a new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs for Africa.

To contribute towards the reduction of the unemployment crisis ravaging the youth population in Nigeria, the Center launched the Ugwumba Enterprise Challenge, an idea pitching and grant competition for young entrepreneurs and innovators who have ideas that can be transformed into business ventures or social enterprises.

Today, most beneficiaries of the startup challenge have become employers of labor, thereby helping to reduce the unemployment crisis as well as contribute to Nigeria’s overall GDP.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is to officially announce the “Call for Applications” for this year’s edition of the Ugwumba Enterprise Challenge, which is the 6th in the series.



  • To raise a new generation of leaders and entrepreneurs for Africa
  • Reduction of the unemployment crisis ravaging the youth population
  • Support start-ups and SMEs



  • Open to everyone between the age of 18 years of age to 40 years of age
  • Must be a nigerian









Imagine a future where Africa's destiny is at a crossroads. What if organizations, governments, and individuals decided to abandon their efforts to promote literacy programs? The impact on the continent's future would be immense, casting a shadow over its potential for progress and growth.

In this scenario, Africa would tumble into a daunting abyss of illiteracy, a state marked by profound challenges across every aspect of life. The consequences would ripple through society, economy, and development, creating a bleak landscape of disparities and limitations.


Let's take a closer look at Africa, a continent already grappling with high illiteracy rates and about 34 million kids are out of school, these numbers would soar, dealing a severe blow to the nation's advancement.

The consequences of illiteracy are far-reaching. This includes;

  • Economic productivity would plummet as access to skilled labor dwindles, echoing Nigeria's struggles where many youths perceive education as futile and turn to fraudulent means for quick gains. This narrative has shifted focus away from education to skills that often lead to fraudulent activities.
  • Healthcare systems would crumble under the weight of illiteracy. People's inability to read and comprehend health information would leave them powerless in making informed decisions about their well-being. Preventable diseases would tighten their grip, and healthcare quality would plummet, aggravating public health challenges.
  • Innovation and technology, the cornerstones of progress, would be stifled. The absence of literacy skills would act as a barrier to adopting new technologies, preventing Africa from harnessing the potential of digital innovations and fully participating in the global digital economy.
  • On the political front, the repercussions would be equally momentous. Illiteracy would stifle civic engagement and participation in democratic processes. Informed decision-making would erode, undercutting effective governance and weakening democratic institutions and also in a situation where by an illiterate rules a country.
  • Even on the international stage, Africa's voice would be muffled. Effective communication and diplomacy would become arduous, impacting the continent's role and influence in global affairs.


To avert this dystopian future, action is imperative. Our leaders of tomorrow hold the key to safeguarding what's ahead. Each of us has a part to play – you and I. Here are some ways to drive change and uplift literacy rates:

  • Community Libraries: Establishing libraries in local communities can foster a love for reading and learning.
  • Scholarships and Support: Providing scholarships and covering exam fees for out-of-school children can pave their way back to education.
  • Adult Literacy Programs: Offering literacy and numeracy skills training for adults ensures that no one is left behind on the journey to literacy.

Remember, the power to shape Africa's destiny lies within our collective actions. Through literacy, we can illuminate the path to a brighter future, ensuring that Africa stands strong, united, and thriving on the global stage.


Program Overview

The Africa Energy Fellowship for Young Energy Leaders is an education venture designed to invest into the next generation energy leaders who will deliver a sustainable access to energy and ultimately a zero carbon Africa.

The ambition of the Program is to train recent graduates of Physics, Electricial and Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Building / Construction Engineering, Physics, Economics, Mathematics, Accounting, Finance and Solar Energy on core aspects of Renewable Energy Technology and opportunities for career advancement in the energy value chain.

The goal is to churn out competent workforce for the renewable energy industry and build entrepreneurs who will advance access to clean energy to 600 Million in Africa without Access and retain young African talent in a crucial sector like renewable energy, of paramount importance to unlock Africa’s sustainable future. The program offers the knowledge of international experts on four groups of renewable energy technologies:

And with a focus on Africa

The Africa Fellowship for Young Energy Leaders (AFYEL) is an education venture initiated by THE RENEWABLE TECHNOLOGY INSTUTUTE in Partnership with RETTI Virtual University, government agencies, top Academic institutions and private sector companies.


  • Engineering
  • Economics
  • Financing


ERASMUS+Mundus Scholarship 2023 (Fully-Funded)

The fully-funded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2023 are now open for applications in European Universities for all international students. Consider submission of your applications to win a chance to study for free at a European destination school this year.

One of the most prestigious scholarships of Europe, the Erasmus+ Mundus Scholarships 2023 is now open for the academic year 2023. The Erasmus+ scholarship provides the recipients the opportunity to study for a Master’s or Doctorate in any of the European universities and countries. The recipients will be able to study in 3 to 4 different countries in Europe. Moreover, they will also get a chance to do an internship during their two years of study. The number of scholarships available is 2,500.

Students from all over the world can apply to the European Joint Master’s Degree program. It is sponsored by the European Commission. Applications have started to pour in for the Master’s programs starting in fall 2023.

Erasmus Scholarship is among the most generous scholarships in the world. The number of accepted students in this scholarship program for the 2022 intake was 2,450. The Joint master’s program is available for 1 and 2 years (60 – 120 ECTS). The recipients will be able to get funding from 12 to 24 months. All the educational and living expenses are covered under Erasmus+.

The last date to apply for this Erasmus scholarship varies with every program. Applicants should check out their respective university’s official website to find out more about it.

Funding Value of the Erasmus+ Mundus Scholarships 2023:

The benefits of this Erasmus Mundus scholarships includes:

  • A monthly stipend of 1100 – 1500 Euros
  • Tuition fee waiver
  • Traveling allowance
  • Airfare for international travel
  • Travel allowance for when the recipient moves to another country during the course of his/her studies.
  • A Work visa will be granted to all the recipients once they finish their master’s or Ph.D. This will enable them to live in their country of choice even after their studies.

Erasmus+ scholarship is like Fulbright scholarship reserved for studying in Europe. The benefits of both of them are pretty similar. Students aspiring to study in Europe should definitely apply to this scholarship.

Details of the Erasmus Mundus Scholarships 2023:

Within this scholarship program, the recipients will be able to study in three of the European Universities and countries. In the end, they will get a dual degree awarded by two of the European institutions. The recipients can study in Europe, Australia, or the USA for a maximum of two years. That means they will spend each semester in a different country.

The Requirements to Apply for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship:

Potential applicants should apply for IELTS or TOEFL in September or October (in case the test centers are closed because of the pandemic situation, the applicants can consider emailing their respective coordinators and asking them to exempt them from submitting the test scores).

There are some programs that are accepting other language tests like that of Duolingo English Test Proficiency. It is an alternative test for IELTS and it lets the students give a test from home.

  • All the applicants should score at least 6.5 in IELTS. No GRE or GMAT is required.
  • There is no need to contact the professors for intake. Just go to your relevant program’s official website and follow the instruction given there.
  • No work experience is required either.
  • All the applicants need to have at least 16 years of education completed.
  • There is no age restriction for applying.
  • There are a number of students who have gotten the scholarship despite having a low CGPA.  So students with average grades can also take their chances.
  • Two letters of recommendation are required too. This requirement varies with every program. Applicants should be able to get more information about this from the program’s website they are intending to apply to.
  • A certificate of residence. This certificate ensures that you have not been residing in Europe for a year or more in the past five years. This certificate can be acquired from your university, workplace, or local municipal office. It also needs to be attested by a public lawyer.
  • Previous degrees and transcripts.
  • A letter of motivation. The wording length of it varies with every program. However, some programs do not specify any limits.
  • Study plan essay or a research project proposal

Step by Step Application Process of Erasmus Mundus Scholarships 2023:

Please start following the steps below to begin an online application for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program 2022:

  • Applicants should go to Erasmus’s Mundus scholarship website and contact the program coordinators from there.
  • The Erasmus link contains all the programs that are being offered.
  • The official website of Erasmus contains the whole procedure to submit the application.
  • The last dates of submission vary with every program. Applications can be submitted anytime between December to February.
  • Students can select up to three programs in which they wish to study in order of preference.

Tips for Getting Selected for Erasmus Mundus Program:

  • Keep enhancing your knowledge in the field you are applying to. Erasmus+ interviews are technical and hard to clear. So, the more knowledge you have the more are your chances of getting the scholarship.
  • Make an impactful motivational letter. It can very well be the only thing that can help you especially if you do not have a good enough CGPA.
  • Your co-curricular, extra-curricular activities and online courses that you may have done can also make a strong profile. Online courses are especially useful when you are switching fields.
For everything you need to know about the Scholarship, CLICK HERE

Grants available for Education and Youth Empowerment in North Western Nigeria

The European Commission (EC) is seeking applications to provide and develop vocational training and critical social skills for youths, including training for green jobs.

The focus of this call for Proposals will be on increasing access, to quality and inclusive education opportunities for adolescent and youth especially through non-formal pathways. It would focus especially in engaging alternative education pathways for out of school children including in vocational education and training in critical social lives skills and training for green jobs with a view to improving better learning outcomes, and, targeting especially female youth for skills acquisition to facilitate their entry into the labour market. Leveraging partnerships with enhanced public and private sector engagement for life skills training by including elements to raise awareness about climate change issues and effective action will be pursued.


  • The Education and Youth Empowerment in North-Western Nigeria is a basic and vocational education programme aimed at supporting the Nigerian government in ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and skills development, especially for girls in rural, underserved and nomadic communities in the North-West. This project will work with the government at the national level and support three northern states; Sokoto, Kano and Jigawa.
  • The global objective of this call for proposals is to emancipate the poorest, underserved and most marginalised population groups including women and girls in the North-West of Nigeria (Sokoto, Kano and Jigawa).


    • The priorities of this call for proposals are:
      • to develop actions aimed at increasing alternative/accelerated education programmes, as well as transition possibilities to non-formal education or formal education for 500 000 young people in 60 schools/learning centres (20 in each state; Kano, Jigawa and Sokoto);
      • to develop actions enhancing non-formal education, training and skills for at least 60 000 young people (60% girls and 40% boys) with an aim to
      • provide the target group employment- and livelihood opportunities, green jobs included;
      • to provide at least 150 safe spaces for girls and young women, where learning of critical social life skills (ie. financial literacy, livelihood skills) to transition into adulthood is enhanced and preparing for green jobs is supported;
      • to develop action enhancing and integrating peace education and prevention of violent extremism into education for boys and girls;
      • to launch at least 20 behavioral change campaigns, with a focus on girls’ empowerment, and to develop 12 pilots applying innovative media approaches.

        Funding Information

        • The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is EUR 10 000 000. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
        • Any grant requested under this call for proposals must not exceed the below maximum amount.
        • Maximum amount: EUR 10 000 000.


        • The initial planned duration of an action may not be lower than 24 months nor exceed 36 months.


        • Actions must take place in Federal Republic of Nigeira in the states of Sokoto, Jigawa and Kano.

        Eligibility Criteria

        • Lead applicant(s)
          • In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
            • be a legal person or an entity without legal personality or a natural person and
            • be non-profit-making and
            • be a specific type of organisation such as: non-governmental organisation, public sector operator, local authority, international (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 156 of the EU Financial Regulation and
            • be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary and
            • have a minimum of 2 years documented experience implementing projects in particular priority areas of the call for proposals and
            • are not entities or persons found in specific exclusion situations
            • must operate at the state or government level in Nigeria with considerable experience working at the grassroots. Failing this, must have a co-applicant operating at the state or local government level with considerable experience working at the grassroots.
        • Co-applicant(s)
          • Co-applicants participate in designing and implementing the action, and the costs they incur are eligible in the same way as those incurred by the lead applicant.
          • Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria as applicable to the lead applicant himself.
          • Co-applicants must sign the mandate form.
          • If awarded the grant contract, the co-applicant(s) (if any) will become beneficiary(ies) in the action (together with the coordinator)
          • In addition, please note that contracts cannot be awarded to or signed with applicants included in the lists of EU restrictive measures.




The Graduate Entrepreneurship Fund (GEF) scheme is the Bank’s first youth programme which was launched in October 2015 and is facilitated by the BOI’s partner Entrepreneurship Development Centers/Institutions in collaboration with the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Directorate. This initiative is specifically targeted at youths undergoing the mandatory one (1) year national service programme.

The aim is to change the job-seeking mindset of Nigerian youths to entrepreneurship and self-reliance by encouraging them to develop skills for self-employment and to contribute to the accelerated growth of the national economy. The GEF Programme comprises the following:

  • Selection/screening of the NYSC members that will participate in the capacity-building process through a questionnaire to be administered on the BOI online portal.
  • 4 days of intensive training on:
    • Generating a business idea (value proposition)
    • How to run a profitable business (Business Model)
    • Basic financial record keeping.
  •  Financial support for those with bankable business ideas within BOI’s SME clusters.

Eligibility Criteria

  • This product will be available to serving NYSC members that have successfully passed through the following stages:
    • Screening process
    • Attended the capacity-building programme developed specifically for the prospects under GEF.
    • Submitted a bankable business plan in respect of any of the Bank’s identified 40 SME clusters listed in Appendix I. (Any subsequent addition to the Bank’s identified cluster shall also be included)

Loan Requirements

  • Specific charge over the equipment (present and future).
  • Lien on the NYSC discharge certificate
  • Undertaking by the NYSC Directorate not to release the discharge certificate until the loan is liquidated.
  • One (1) external guarantor acceptable to BOI who must belong to any of the following categories:
    • Senior Civil Servant (Level 7 and above).
    • Bankers (not below the level of banking Officer), and must have been confirmed by current employer.
    • Professionals i.e. Medical Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers, etc.
    • Senior Staff of reputable quoted Companies, International Oil Companies, and Telecommunications Companies (GSM providers).
    •  Elected public servants/administrators.
    • Reputable entrepreneurs with ongoing entities and registered business names.
    • Clergymen.

The guarantees must be supported with a Notarized Statement of Net worth acceptable to BOI.

Loan Documentation Required

Customers are required to open an account with the Bank of Industry before application can commence. The documents needed for an account to be opened are listed below. A customer identification number will be created at the end of the account opening process.

An account can be opened by completing an account opening form and submitting all the required documents:


  • Schedule of the shareholders signed by the company secretary. (Shareholders Register) for new customers and a confirmation of earlier submission for returning customers
  • Full Incorporation Documents:
    • Photocopy of Certificate of Incorporation
    • Certified true copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association
    • Forms CAC 2.5 (Allotment of Shares)
    • CAC 2.3 (Particulars of Directors)
    • CAC 2.1 (Appointment of Company Secretary)
  • Means of identification of all Directors of the company (i.e., photocopy of International Passport/Driver’s License and National Identity Card) and BVN of the Executive Directors. (**note that ID of all Directors are needed for compliance and credit search)


  • Formal Loan Application on Letterhead
  • Duly completed Loan Application Form
  • Feasibility Study Report on the project to be financed stating write-up on technology and manufacturing process(s), etc.
  • Quotation/Proforma Invoice for the supply of items of Machinery and Equipment. Sources and quotations for Raw Materials expressed in quantity and amount
  • Security: Bank Guarantee, a letter of intent for Bank Guarantee (with Risk Management being part of the authorized signatories) of the commercial bank issuing the guarantee. Any exception should be supported with the Bank’s approval limits OR
    • Legal Mortgage
    • Photocopy of the title document(s) to the property being pledged e.g Statutory Certificate of Occupancy/Deed of Assignment/Conveyance/Deed of sublease
    • Valuation Report on the Property Proposed as Security from BOI’s accredited value
    • Lease agreement, if operating from a rented premises




Transforming Nigerian Youths

The Transforming Nigerian Youths program aims to create a network of entrepreneurial and managerial change-makers specifically youths and women across the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector in Nigeria.

This program is brought to Nigeria by the Young Africa Works-Mastercard Foundation in partnership with the Enterprise Development Centre, Pan-Atlantic University.

EDC is teaming up with the Foundation to build the capacity of 40,000 MSMEs with special focus on agriculture and creative sectors especially women-led businesses in Nigeria. The training will be delivered via EDC’s online learning platform and IVR( Interactive Voice Response) to enable all learners to take part in the lessons on the go wherever they are.

The following are the core objectives of the program:
  • To completely transform the mindset of youths in Nigeria to become more entrepreneurial, and to equip them to be self-employed or job creators.
  • To create market access and provide support services to existing business owners especially those being run by young people.
  • Change the way learning or information is received in Nigeria through EDC Beam.



  • Personalized plan for your business growth
  • Opportunity for reward such as free website design, Google my business profile
  • Free access to market
  • One on one advisory services
  • Free Data to browse for the training
  • A chance to participate in sector specific competitions
  • Access to information on funding opportunities


  • Youths between the age of 18-35 years of age
  • Must be resident in any 36 states in Nigeria
  • Must have a business or an idea

How to apply

Click on Start Application as a fresh Application and Continue Application if you already started your application.




Catalyzing Community Action for a Cleaner Future by Emeka Johnson

In a bustling neighborhood, where public waste sites and dirty gutters had evolved into eyesores, a young and passionate changemaker, Emeka Johnson, took the initiative to bring about a transformation. With the aim of creating a cleaner and more beautiful environment for all, Emeka organized a Clean Up Project as a GDC(Grassroot Development Champion) with DO  Take Action, sensitizing 30 enthusiastic participants on the urgent need to clean and manage public spaces.

The project's impact was evident right from the start. Emeka's team engaged the participants in informative and interactive sessions, discussing the detrimental effects of neglecting public spaces and the importance of waste management. As a result, an impressive 70% of the participants scored 65% on the Clean Up Project test, indicating a significant increase in awareness and understanding.

The Clean Up Project not only inspired knowledge but also ignited a sense of responsibility. A remarkable 70% of the participants committed to taking charge of waste disposal within their community. Their determination to bring about change was a testament to the power of collective action and community-driven initiatives.

Moreover, the ripple effect of Emeka's project was astounding. Fifty participants pledged to become advocates for the Clean Up Project, eager to spread awareness and inspire others in their community to join the cause. Their dedication showcased the potential of a united front in addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Emeka's leadership did not end there. Ten participants stepped up to organize Clean Up Project outreaches in their respective communities. Their willingness to take on leadership roles exemplified the power of empowering others and multiplying the impact of a noble cause.

As beneficiaries of the Clean Up Project, community members were encouraged to take an active role in managing their waste properly. Emeka's initiative inspired a new sense of pride and ownership in keeping their surroundings clean and beautiful.

Now, it's your turn to take action and make a difference in your community. Emeka Johnson's story serves as an inspiring example of what one person's dedication and passion can achieve. By sensitizing people on the need to clean public spaces and advocating for waste management, you too can contribute to building a cleane r, more sustainable future.

Join the movement today! Visit, register as a Grassroot Development Champion(GDC) to get started on your journey towards transforming eyesores into beauty and creating a positive impact on the environment. Together, let's embrace the power of community action and work towards a cleaner, greener, and more beautiful world for generations to come. The time for change is now!
You can connect with us via the links below:
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Embrace the Flame: Blessing Ijeoma's Quest for Girl Leadership

Meet Blessing Ijeoma Anagumba is a Grassroots Development Champion (GDC), whose mission is to break barriers and ignite the leadership spark in young girls. Her awe-inspiring "She is a Leader" project took flight at the Zarumai Model School in Chanchaga, Minna, Niger State, leaving an indelible mark on 84 teenage students and igniting a fiery passion for leadership and grassroots politics.

With unwavering determination, Blessing's project sparked a movement of 70 students fervently pledging to seize leadership positions within their school and classrooms, envisioning themselves as outstanding leaders of the future.

The project's influence was evident through the active involvement of teenage girls in various leadership positions within the school. Throughout the workshop, the participants displayed outstanding cooperation and readiness for positive transformation.

As the program reached its pinnacle, an electrifying moment unfolded when each participant took an unwavering oath to embrace leadership with open hearts. This remarkable achievement illuminates the path forward, emphasizing the paramount significance of empowering our girls with leadership skills to fuel authentic change and foster holistic development worldwide.

Join Blessing Ijeoma and become a DOER, championing sustainable development in your community. Visit today and execute a project for sustainable development.

Blessing Ijeoma Anagumba
Grassroot Development Champion

DO Take Action: Empowering the Next Generation of Dreamers - Faith Ebere

Being in a school environment, I have had the opportunity to interact with numerous teenagers who exhibit strength, passion, and enthusiasm. However, some of these teenagers face a common challenge: they possess dreams and aspirations but lack the know-how to pursue them. On one occasion, I had a conversation with a teen who was hesitant to share her future goals openly, but she provided me with a description of her plans.

Motivated to help teenagers like her, I initiated a project called "Teenage to Purpose" under the banner of "DO Take Action." In this project, I gathered 20 teenagers and created a compelling presentation filled with impactful slides to educate them on selecting a more fulfilling career path and guide them on how to achieve it. During the workshop, I encouraged the participants to share their aspirations, the reasons behind their career choices, and what they aimed to be known for in the future.

The outcome was promising, as the teenagers expressed their commitment to implementing the lessons they learned from the workshop. At least 20 participants pledged to apply the knowledge they acquired to shape their future endeavors.

After the project, I evaluated its impact by assessing the responses to the questions posed to the participants. I was gratified to find that a minimum of 80% of women and girls were represented in the community, indicating that the project had a positive effect on encouraging young females to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

Join Faith Ebere today in taking action for sustainable development in your community by visiting our website at

Faith Ebere
Grassroot Development Champion