Become an Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at GBHI

The Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health program at GBHI provides innovative training, networking, and support to emerging leaders focused on improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia in their local communities and on a global scale. It is one of seven global Atlantic Fellows programs to promote fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.

Join a diverse community of over 230 Atlantic Fellows from over 50 countries dedicated to protecting the world’s aging populations from threats to brain health. Meet the 2023–2024 Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health.

Who should apply?

The program is for people from a wide range of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, economics, policy, medicine, journalism, community-based practice and much more. Whatever the discipline, we are looking for individuals working in the area of brain health and dementia who have great ideas, enthusiasm and leadership potential. Furthermore, the ideal fellow is someone who engages across disciplines, breaks down traditional barriers, and is committed to resolving issues around the inequities in brain health and dementia around the world.

Eligibility Criteria/Expectations of Applicants

  • Willingness and availability to complete 12 months of education in residence, full-time, in San Francisco (USA) or Dublin (Ireland)
  • Long-term commitment to the values, mission, and goals of the program, including a potential pilot project following the fellowship year.
  • The ability to bring creative and relevant projects to fruition
  • Ideas that could transform the global brain health environment in vulnerable communities
  • Proficiency in English
  • Successful completion of field-specific terminal degree and associated training as applicable
  • Willingness and ability to travel internationally as required.