Climate Parent Fellowship

Across the world, parents, grandparents, and caregivers are taking climate action to protect the kids they love, children everywhere, and our shared home.

Our Climate Parent Fellowship aims to support key organizers of parent-led, intergenerational, or family-focused climate engagement work across the globe.

Since 2021, we have supported 41 organizers from 25 countries through our year-long Fellowship program. We have supported campaigners, grassroots organizers, communicators, indigenous leaders, artists, and educators to grow and develop their climate work.

Our Fellowship is now open for applications for the 2025 cohort. Applications must be received by Friday 6 September 2024 by 11:59 pm ET. The one-year Fellowship will begin in January 2025.

For our 2025 cohort, we are looking for leaders within a parent-led, intergenerational, or family-focused climate project, group, organization, strategy, or idea. Our Fellows will be the core drivers and key decision-makers of the climate initiative they are working on, which will have the capacity to grow, be replicated or scaled.

We are particularly interested in candidates who are working on some of Our Kids’ Climate strategic campaign priorities, such as clean air, fossil fuel phase-out, and a fast and fair transition to renewable energy. However, as in other cohorts, we anticipate our 2025 Fellows to be approaching parent-led, intergenerational, or family-focused climate work in a diverse variety of ways. We are also interested in supporting some Fellows engaged around COP30.

Fellows will take part in monthly training sessions, receive mentorship, and a stipend of between $15,000 – $20,000 USD, which aims to make their climate organizing work more sustainable.

Successful Fellows will be those seeking not only funding, but also the global community, peer-to-peer mentoring, experience sharing, and leadership development that is at the heart of our Fellowship Program.


Please read carefully the requirements below. Your application will only be considered if you meet ALL requirements.

To be eligible for the Climate Parent Fellowship, you MUST:

  • Be at least 18 years old;
  • Be someone who is at the leadership level within a non-profit project or group, organization, strategy, or idea;
  • Be fluent or proficient in English; including: submitting a complete application in English, respecting the application form instructions;
  • Submit an application sharing your personal contribution to shaping the work of your initiative (the Fellowship is NOT a grant application, and does not accept applications from organizations);
  • Provide clear and focused responses to all questions. Vague answers or excessive reliance on AI-generated content will result in disqualification from the selection process.

To be eligible for the Climate Parent Fellowship, your idea, project, group, or organization MUST:

  • Be related to intergenerational and/or parent-led and/or family-focused climate work.

Intergenerational initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/ strategies that engage two or more generations (e.g. parents and children, elders and youth, etc).

Parent-led initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/strategies led by parents, caregivers, or grandparents – with the specific aim of engaging other parents, caregivers, or grandparents.

Family-focused initiatives are climate projects/organizations/campaigns/strategies that focus on engaging families as central to how they deliver their work. They could be led by any age group.

For more information visit, climate parent fellowship

Click here to apply