Fix A Laboratory Project
Fix a laboratory project is a community project aimed at fixing public primary/secondary school Laboratories in communities to enhance Access to Quality Primary and Secondary Education. Thousands of public Secondary School Students in Nigeria graduate without acquiring basic laboratory skills in biology, chemistry, physics, home economics, agriculture and computer, which is a major requirement for career practice by employers, thus depriving them of needed jobs. This project aims to solve this by fixing laboratories for public school students in Nigeria, advocating for Nigerian education and research institutions and their partners to produce more and better-qualified science and technology graduates at the post-basic level and for these same institutions to produce higher quality and more relevant research.

How you can take action
Mobilize resources and fix a public primary/secondary school Laboratory in your communities in other to enhance Access to Quality Primary and Secondary Education
Lend your creativity to create relevant multi-media content, technology innovation or solutions that raise awareness or address this issue.