Sani Evelyn Miria taught 18 participants the importance of planting trees for combating climate change.

Sani Evelyn Miria taught 18 participants the importance of planting trees for combating climate change.

Our Grassroot Development Champion Sani Evelyn Miria orchestrated an enlightening session for 18 participants, meticulously outlining the transformative impact of tree planting in combating climate change. The session intricately explored how strategic tree cultivation serves as a potent tool in carbon sequestration, biodiversity preservation, and ecological resilience enhancement. Through compelling examples and interactive discussions, participants garnered a profound understanding of the multifaceted benefits of tree planting initiatives.

Miria’s adept facilitation fostered a dynamic exchange of ideas, empowering participants to envision themselves as catalysts for environmental change within their communities. Emphasizing the imperative of sustainable practices, Miria articulated a compelling case for collective action towards safeguarding our planet’s future. The session culminated in a resonant call to action, urging participants to translate their newfound knowledge into tangible initiatives that promote ecological balance and resilience.