• Each year, approximately 20 scholars are invited to the Institute for residential fellowships.
• About half of those invited are working in the year’s designated theme, half on other projects.
• The School welcomes applications from junior and senior scholars across a wide range of fields in the social sciences and related disciplines. 
• Members (as Institute fellows are known) have access to campus resources and facilities, including offices, libraries, subsidized dining services, and housing.

• Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent, awarded no later than
October 15th of the year in which they are applying (i.e., the IAS application deadline).
• Fellowship is residential and for the full academic year (September–May).

• Online application form
• Research proposal (up to 4 pages)
• Curriculum vitae
• Writing sample (up to 50 pages)

Reference letters are not required and will not be accepted.

For more Information visit Institute for Advanced Study