About the programme

Indigenous Fellowship Programme

The Indigenous Fellowship Programme was launched in 1997 by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the context of the first International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People. The aim of the programme is to give indigenous persons the opportunity to gain knowledge about the UN system and mechanisms dealing with human rights issues in general and indigenous issues in particular. Trained participants are better equipped to assist their organisations and communities in protecting and promoting their rights. This training programme is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian and Portuguese.

How to apply

We strongly encourage you to send your application form well before the deadline. Fellowship applications will only be taken into consideration if they are fully completed. Both parts I and II of the application form must be signed and sent by regular post to the following address:

Mr. Morse Caoagas Flores
Coordinator, Indigenous Fellowship Programme
Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
48, Avenue Giuseppe-Motta, Office 2-05
CH-1211 Geneva 10

Scanned applications are also accepted and can be sent to the following email: ohchr-fellowship@un.org and copy: morse.flores@un.org

Application forms need to be accompanied by an official recommendation letter from the nominating indigenous organization or community.

Any other questions?

Any question pertaining to the Indigenous Fellowship Programme can be e-mailed to: ohchr-fellowship@un.org .