About the programme

Energy acts as a catalyst for socio-economic transformations, influencing all dimensions of sustainable development. Access to energy is a cornerstone in achieving food security and eliminating hunger. Not only is energy essential for food consumption—much of the food distributed by the World Food Programme (WFP) requires cooking—but it also plays a vital role throughout food systems in production, processing and preservation.

What we’re looking for
For this innovation challenge, WFP Niger is looking for both low- and high-tech solutions specifically tailored to strengthen local food systems through the provision of clean cooking and productive uses of energy. We aim to identify and support innovations from around the world that can effectively address these challenges and are operational or able to be implemented in Niger. The three innovation thematic areas are listed below.
Energizing Homes in Displacement Settings
We are looking for clean cooking solutions for households in rural areas, capable of powering electricity for cooking three meals a day, and household lighting systems that provide light inside the house during dark hours and surrounding areas.