Intellectual Property (IP) Labs 2.0 – Acceleration Program

What is IP Labs?

IP Labs is a WIPO IP-based capacity-building program for startups in Nigeria. The program models WIPO’s IP management clinics (IPMCs) to empower innovators, entrepreneurs, and startups to harness the power of intellectual property as a business development and financing strategy. It was designed and launched to address the identified need for capacity building within the tech, innovation, and entrepreneurial ecosystem, focusing on the relevance of intellectual property.

The pilot phase of the IP Labs project was conducted from August to December 2023. This phase effectively provided IP training and mentorship to fifty-six (56) startup founders within Nigeria’s tech, entrepreneurship, and innovation ecosystem. The phase II of the project has been scaled up to provide training and mentorship to 300 early-stage startups in Nigeria.

Who can apply?

IP Labs Project welcomes all individuals or teams with technology driven innovative ideas that addresses real world challenges in their communities and globally, ranging from finance, job-creation, climate change, agriculture, health, education etc. To qualify, these solutions must have some form of intellectual property component to them.

The main selection criteria include the following considerations or requirements:

  1. Startup must be an early-stage startup with a solution to an identified local problem.
  2. Startup idea must be subject matter of an intellectual property possible of industrial application.
  3. Green technologies are greatly encouraged.
  4. Women-owned startups are strongly encouraged.
  5. Founders of the startup must be available for the virtual 7-month curriculum.

How can IPMC benefit my business?

Every innovative company has unique business challenges that require a tailored IP strategy – an action plan to identify, develop, protect and leverage a company’s portfolio of IP assets. Successfully implemented, an IP strategy allows businesses to gain competitive advantage and drives profitability.

All IP Management Clinics share a common methodology, format and duration, though some offer different degrees of specialization in certain areas of IP. Participants benefit from various activities spread over a period, including:

  • One-on-one mentorship with renowned IP and business expert(s) selected by WIPO on how to better use IP for growth.
  • Training opportunities and access to practical tools and services
  • Networking opportunities amongst peers.

The deadline for application is September 20, 2024.