
Edudata is your gateway to a world of educational insights and opportunities. We are building an open-source data portal meticulously crafted to extract, analyze, streamline, and visualize real-time educational data. Rooted in the principles of open development and participatory governance, our goal is to propel institutional reforms, nurture inclusive growth, and optimize service delivery in the education sector through educational development, transparency, financing, and policy-making.

Edudata Objectives
  • Promote Evidence-Based Education.
  • Ensure Transparency and Accountability.
  • Optimize Education Financial Resource Management.
  • Inform Inclusive Policy Development.
  • Enhance Educational Performance and Access.

Key Features

Real-Time Data

Access the latest educational data as it happens.

Data Analysis

Powerful tools to uncover insights and trends.

Simplified Visualization

Make data-driven decisions with ease.

Open Development:

Collaborate and contribute to the platform.

Inclusive Growth

Promoting equality in education.

Service Enhancement

Improve education quality and access.

Why Edudata

At Edudata, we believe that access to quality education is a fundamental right. Our platform empowers educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to make informed decisions and drive positive change in the education sector. We are building a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating a better future through data.

Edudata version 1 is currently in development and will be available on June 1st 2023.

Learn More

Policy Brief

Crisis Response and Remote learning: Ensuring Educational Continuity in Times of Crises.

Click here to download