Rules of Money

The “Rules of Money” training project is an educational initiative aimed at equipping individuals with essential knowledge and skills to manage their finances effectively. The project focuses on teaching key principles and strategies for budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management.

Through workshops, seminars, and online resources, the project provides participants with practical tools and guidance to make informed financial decisions. It covers topics such as setting financial goals, creating a budget, understanding credit, building savings, and planning for retirement.

By promoting financial literacy, the Rules of Money training project empowers individuals to take control of their financial well-being, make wise financial choices, and achieve long-term financial stability. It aims to reduce financial stress, increase financial independence, and promote overall economic empowerment among participants.

How you can take action

Organize a one-day sensitization workshop that provides African youths with a foundational understanding of how to manage their finances and make good financial decisions.

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