I am writing you from Dubai which is where – COP28, the world’s largest climate conference, hosted by the United Nations – is happening. This global summit, organised by the United Nations, assembles leaders, educators, scientists, and climate advocates from 200 nations, all seeking to chart a course toward a sustainable and resilient future. Against the backdrop of the conference’s overarching themes,. there is a clarion call for a recalibration of focus on education and government financing as pivotal solutions to the climate crisis.


In a recent opinion piece, I underscored the transformative potential of investing in girls’ education as a formidable climate change solution. Today, we delve deeper into this discourse, channeling our focus on concrete actions within the purview of education and government financing, as essential components in shaping effective climate policies and fostering societal resilience.


Our first endeavor involves a meticulous analysis of Nigeria’s climate action plan, extracting key insights and formulating recommendations that intertwine sustainable development with climate resilience. Recognizing that education is the cornerstone of progress, we advocate for the integration of comprehensive climate education programs within national curricula, fostering a generation of informed and empowered individuals capable of steering the course towards a sustainable future.



Simultaneously, we are diligently gathering pledges for climate action, soliciting commitments from nations to allocate resources towards educational initiatives that cultivate environmental literacy and climate-conscious citizenship. However, the urgency of the matter necessitates not only the rhetoric of commitment but a tangible framework for accountability. The open letter we released emphatically underscores the interconnectedness of climate change and education, calling upon world leaders to acknowledge the disproportionate impact of the actions of affluent nations on marginalized regions. 


The letter advocates for making climate education universally accessible, recognizing it as an imperative component of the global strategy to combat climate change. It posits that a world educated on the intricacies of climate science and the environmental consequences of human activities is better equipped to enact meaningful change. By equipping individuals, particularly girls who have historically been marginalized, with the tools to comprehend, adapt, and mitigate climate change, we lay the foundation for a more sustainable future. Moreover, it addresses the pressing need to address the current education crisis as an integral part of the broader climate solution.


In this pursuit, government financing is paramount. Adequate financial support is indispensable for the implementation of educational initiatives that cultivate environmental consciousness and empower communities to contribute meaningfully to the global effort against climate change. Government financing must be directed toward bolstering educational infrastructure, ensuring that vulnerable populations are not left behind. This entails investments in schools, teacher training, and curriculum development that integrates climate education seamlessly. 


As the world converges at COP28, the global community must seize this opportunity to shift the narrative. The legacy of COP28 should be one of collective responsibility, where education becomes the catalyst for lasting change. Our commitment to this cause will shape not only the climate actions of the next year but the sustainable future we strive to build.