Apply for this three-weeks African Youth Climate Tech Innovators and Leaders Program 2023(Fully-funded)

Calling all young African leaders!

YALI Regional Leadership Centre are excited to announce a remarkable opportunity for you to join a three-week, in-person program focused on learning, networking, and taking joint action. This program is specifically designed for young African innovators and leaders who are passionate about making a difference in the convergence of climate action and technology.

If you are between 18 and 35 years old, fluent in English, and hail from any of the following countries: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central Africa, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Republic of Guinea, Rwanda, Sao Tome Et Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, The Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Togo, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe, then this is your chance!

They are seeking individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to positively impact their community, country, and the continent through the implementation of climate tech solutions. If you have a proven track record in the climate tech space and are willing to travel to Accra, Ghana, from October 9 to 27, 2023, we encourage you to apply.


Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to expand your knowledge, network with like-minded individuals, and take collaborative action for a sustainable future. Apply now and be part of this transformative program!

The Application has three categories, apply to the category that relates to what you do on the links in blue below


Click here


Click here


Click here


Deadline: 6 August 2023
Host Institution: YALI Africa
Program Type: Fully Funded
Eligible Countries: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central Africa, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo (Kinshasa), Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Kingdom of Eswatini, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Republic of Guinea, Rwanda, São Tomé Et Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, The Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Togo, Uganda, Zambia, or Zimbabwe

UNESCO Youth-in-Action Photo Contest

Opportunity Description

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is calling for submission for the Youth-In-Action Photo Contest 2023. Photographers from around the world can apply for this opportunity. The contest showcases young people’s inspiring efforts in positively impacting the world.
If you are a photographer, submit your best photo that captures, in action, your work or your friends’ shots to create a better future for all. Submissions can be on the following topics:

  • Fighting climate change
  • Building peace
  • Strengthening civic space
  • Empowering youth
  • Any other relevant action to UNESO’s work!

    Brief Details of the Contest

    Submission Deadline: 15 August 2023 (23:45 CEST)

    Field of Competition: Photography

    Eligible Countries: All

    Number of Awards: 3 (three)

    What to Submit?

    To apply for the UNESCO Youth-In-Action Photo Contest, please provide the following materials:

    • High-quality photo(s)
    • A short description of what the action is about
    • The location of the shot or photograph
    • Link(s) of the applicant’s social media so that UNESCO can tag them if they win the competition


    Eligibility Criteria

    Applicants should:

    • Be between 18-35 years old to participate, and those photographed
    • Entrants can be from any country
    • Employees of UNESCO are not eligible to apply for this contest
    • Minors’ participation or appearance in photographs is not suitable for submission
    • Entrants should have access to the Internet
    • Entrants cannot enter the competition on behalf of another person because participation is strictly personal.
    • Participation in this photo contest implies full acceptance of the rules and their provisions. Non-compliance with the regulations may disqualify the entrant.
    • By submitting the photos, applicants permit UNESCO to use them freely with proper credit to the photographer after usage.
    • UNESCO encourages the entrants to submit up to three photos to increase their chances of winning
    • This contest is free-of-charge, and the competition, called Youth-in-Action, is only on the Internet.

    The Winners

    The winners of the UNESCO Youth-In-Action Photo Contest will benefit as follows:

    • The winners will receive recognition for their work to make a difference in the world
    • UNESCO will feature the winners in 3 separate posts with the photos, description, and link to the photographer’s social media accounts on the Facebook page
    • UNESCO also features the winners via a web story on its website to announce the three winners and present their photos and stories
    • The shortlisted entries by Youth Selection Committee will be featured on UNESCO’s Facebook page, of more than 348K followers.
    • The top photos with more likes, shares, and comments will be declared the winners.

    How to Apply?

    To enter the competition, applicants should fill out the form by entering the link below.


Public Voices Fellowship on Technology in the Public Interest (Fully-funded)

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is accepting applications for the Public Voices Fellowship on Technology in the Public Interest in partnership with The OpEd Project. The year-long fellowship is for individuals who have expertise and experience conducting research and/or advocacy that addresses the social impacts of technology. The cohort of twenty diverse thought leaders will receive extraordinary support, build leadership skills, and develop knowledge to ensure their ideas shape not only their fields but also the greater public conversations of our age.


The Public Voices Fellowship on Technology in the Public Interest, in partnership with MacArthur Foundation, is part of The OpEd Project’s prestigious national initiative to change who writes history. The internationally acclaimed curriculum and method explore leadership, power, and action in an unfair world. Using time-tested methods of transformational learning, fellows explore how credibility works, how ideas spread, when and why minds change, and how ideas play out over time and space. This program will engage selected fellows in intense, results-oriented thinking and activities around their knowledge and impact. It will provide the inside information, high-level support, and media connections to become influential on a large scale. Fellows will join a national network of peers, allowing for knowledge-sharing and innovation across institutions.


The Public Voices Fellowship has a track record of stunning results, generating personal, professional, and public outcomes with far-reaching implications. Fellows have published op-eds in high-impact venues and gone on to publish history-changing books. They have briefed Congress, advised the White House, launched new research studies and centers and sparked national and international debate. They have written books, collaborated on research grants, and driven policy change. The resulting impact of their ideas entering public consciousness has been expansive.


Fellows are required to participate in four virtual convenings (day-long or half-day), scheduled at two-to-three-month intervals, and commit to writing a minimum of two opinion pieces over the course of the fellowship. Fellows are also assigned to work with veteran journalist coaches for dedicated one-on-one coaching throughout the year. In addition, fellows will have periodic opportunities to join calls with public thinkers and influencers and receive weekly customized email support and news alerts. Upon completion of the Fellowship, they will have access to a powerful network of peers and The OpEd Project’s network of high-level journalist mentors.

Applicants must commit to attending all four convenings:

September 27-29, 2023, 12-3:30 pm ET

December 7-8, 2023, 12-3:30 pm ET

February 22-23, 2024, 12-3:30 pm ET

May 9-10, 2024, 12-3:30 pm ET


Fellows will be chosen through a competitive selection process. We are committed to building a diverse cohort. We will consider various factors, including but not limited to gender, race/ethnicity, age, geography, area of expertise, work history, and experience as an agent of change. The fellowship is open to people at least 18 years old.

Applicants will be notified of acceptance status by late August. Accepted applicants will be required to confirm their participation upon notification of acceptance.


The application deadline is August 1, 2023.




African Union Media Fellowship 2023-2024 : Open Call for Applications(Fully-funded)

The African Union Media Fellowship Programme is inviting African media professionals passionate about promoting development-focused stories using emerging technologies in various media forms.

Be a catalyst for positive change and shape Africa’s narrative. Calling African media professionals and content creators to join the transformative #AUMediaFellowship program and be part of Africa’s media revolution!

Empowering The Media, Empowers Citizens

To ensure Africa is at the forefront of defining and telling its own narrative to African and global audiences, the Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) of the African Union (AU) launched the AU Media Fellowship as a transformative platform to shape the African story and create a more accurate representation of Africa’s progress and opportunities using the using emerging digital technologies as a key tool for communication and engagement that will enable the continent to achieve the vision and aspirations of Africa’s Agenda 2063.

The AU Media Fellowship project is supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Objectives of The AU Media Fellowship Programme

Skill Development

The AU Media Fellowship (AUMF) provides a structured environment for enhancing skills and knowledge in analysis, content creation and storytelling through training, mentorship, and hands-on experiences, enabling participants to sharpen their journalistic storytelling abilities, learn new techniques, and gain expertise in utilising emerging technologies and digital media platforms

Networking & Collaboration

The AU Media Fellowship (AUMF) provides a platform to connect and collaborate with like-minded industry professionals and experts, , content creators, government, policy makers and key industry players

Access to Resources

The AU Media Fellowship (AUMF) provides access to technical resources, tools and equipment, including grants, state-of-the-art technology, research materials and platforms for publishing or broadcasting of work developed during the course of the programme.

What Is The AU Media Fellowship Offering?

  • Certified training from renowned partners and media training institutions
  • Grants that support the creation of in-depth stories and e-books that compile all of these stories.
  • Access to AU senior leadership, high level AU meetings, summits and events; as well as policymakers and AU development partners
  • Exclusive Masterclass with industry professionals
  • Support from experienced mentors and institutions and participation in key events with media industry professionals.
  • International and continental study tours
  • Access to AU Media Fellowship Alumni network

What Are the Key Activities During The AU Media Fellowship?

The Fellowship is 12-month long programme, scheduled to begin in August 2023.

  • August – December 2023 : Following final selection and acceptance into the programme, Fellows will attend virtual induction sessions, on-boarding training and embark on the first study tour. During this period the Fellows are expected to work on their pitch stories and also participate in mandatory online certified trainings (Self-selection) and master classes from industry experts.
  • January – March 2024 : Fellows will attend the second study tour as well as benefit from in-person training and one-on-one mentorship and also participate in mandatory online certified training (Self-selection) and master classes from industry experts. Fellows will be also be invited to attend the Annual African Union Summit in February 2024 where they can have exclusive access to engage with senior African leadership and invited international participants attending the AU Summit. .
  • April – June 2024 : Fellows will embark on the final study tour and continue to benefit from training and best practice sessions.
  • July 2024 : Fellows will present final stories, receive certificates and participate in closing ceremonies / sessions

Thematic Tracks: In line with Agenda 2063 goals and aspirations, this year’s media fellowship will focus on the following thematic tracks


RevUp Women Initiative Call for Women-Led Businesses

RevUp Women Initiative is an enterprise development programme for early-stage women-led businesses in Africa. It is designed to accelerate these businesses into profitable & sustainable ventures that can stimulate the creation of jobs on the continent. The initiative aims to foster gender equality and inclusive economic growth through enterprise development training, mentorship, peer-to-peer learning and providing access to finance. This cohort is funded by The Visa Foundation.

AfriLabs is calling on women-led businesses across select locations in Africa to apply for this cohort of the initiative. In this cohort, 500 businesses will go through a rigorous training and mentoring session and ten (10), one(1) in each pilot city will be selected to be funded by the programme. Each of the selected businesses will be funded with a matching grant of 10,000 dollars, following the criteria and model of the Catalytic Africa Fund

Eligibility Criteria

  • The applications are open to early-stage women-led businesses across Africa. These businesses must meet the following criteria before applying;
    • At least 51 per cent owned by a woman
    • Be led by a woman
    • Be located in any of these cities in Africa
      • Nigeria –  Lagos, Abuja
      • South Africa –  Johannesburg, Cape Town
      • Cameroon – Douala, Yaounde
      • Kenya –  Nairobi, Kisumu
      • Democratic Republic of Congo-  Kinshasa, Lubumbashi
    • Have an already existing service or product
    • Have evidence of sales of existing services or product
    • Have an existing business model
    • Registered and incorporated in the country of operation
    • Be operational for at least 6 months
    • Be able to dedicate 8 weeks to an intense hybrid training and mentoring session

Note: Evidence of sales would be requested during the due diligence phase


  • Access to high-quality female mentors Across Africa
  • 10 business owners will be selected to be funded with 10,000 dollars following the Catalytic Africa guidelines
  • Access to additional funding opportunities for participants and a network of funders across Africa
  • Access to the AfriLabs network

Application timeline

  •         Application opens on 28th June 2023.
  •         Application closes on 14th July  2023.



The Western Union Foundation Fellowship is a venture and leadership accelerator program for entrepreneurs and community leaders from and working with highly marginalized, refugee, and forcibly displaced communities around the globe. This virtual and global program is designed to equip these next-generation entrepreneurs and leaders with the skills and experience so as to increase access to economic opportunity, build valuable networks and resources, and transform their communities.

This is a fully-funded program thanks to the support of the Western Union Foundation.


  •  You are an entrepreneur or community leader from and working with highly marginalized, refugee, and forcibly displaced communities around the globe.
  • You are leading an early-stage social impact venture or community initiative with a proven track record of impact, entrepreneurship, and leadership in their community.
  •  Applicants from or are working in the following countries will be given priority: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, India, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Uganda, United Kingdom,United States
  •  You are looking for expert-led entrepreneurial training, access to funding opportunities, and a vast network of mentorship to accelerate your leadership skills and venture impact.


Application Process

1. Complete the online application, this  contains 4 short essay questions and should take about 45 minutes to complete. The final deadline to submit your application is August 18th, 2023.

2. Our admissions team will review applications on a rolling basis starting July 7th, 2023. We review applications in two batches on a rolling basis and encourage you to submit your application early.

3. Qualified applicants will be invited to a 20-minute Zoom interview. Interviews will begin July 10th, 2023.

4. The strongest applicant profiles will be shared with our external admissions committee for final review.

5. The admissions team will begin sending out final acceptances and fellowship awards in mid August.

6. The last step to finalize enrollment is to review and sign Watson’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

For more information, CLICK HERE



Would you like to make a difference in your community? Are you passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals? Join the next UNLEASH Innovation Lab in Rwanda, a thriving start-up hub on the African continent.


The UNLEASH Innovation Lab in Rwanda will take place from December 2 to December 8, and changemakers aged between 18-35 will have the opportunity to apply for this transformative (and fully funded!) experience until July 19.


During the Lab, 1,000 young participants from all over the world will come up with new ideas and co-create innovative initiatives through human-centered design thinking – a process that focuses on the real needs of the people that the solution caters to. Experienced facilitators and experts will guide the participants through different stages of the innovation process:

  • Problem framing: Defining a problem based on user needs and clear insights.
  • Ideation: Brainstorming and selecting ideas to solve the problem
  • Prototyping: Creating simple versions of the idea to understand how it will work in real life
  • Testing: Testing the solution with users, learning, and adapting
  • Implementing: Planning and launching impactful solutions


The Innovation Lab in Rwanda is open to young people between the ages of 18 and 35. We select participants that are:

  • Passionate and committed to solving the world’s sustainability challenges.
  • Creative and have an innovative mindset.
  • Enthusiastic about working together with peers and experts.
  • Able to understand and communicate in English.

Accelerate impact

At UNLEASH, we believe that collaboration is key to driving sustainable development. We are excited to forge partnerships with organizations, businesses, and institutions who share our vision and want to make a tangible impact.

By partnering with UNLEASH, you have the opportunity to connect with a diverse network of changemakers and contribute to the development of innovative solutions for the SDGs.




The Solutions Journalism Network invites you to apply for its Journalists of Color Fellowship. This 9-month fellowship is designed to identify and support a cohort of diverse, next-generation leaders through a program of solutions journalism, leadership training, mentorship and community of practice. Fellows will leave the program with a clear understanding of core leadership principles and learn how to spearhead coverage that responds to the most pressing social issues of our time. In addition, fellows will work in a community of peers and gain knowledge from leaders of color working in newsrooms across the U.S.
 This is specifically designed to support journalists of color, with at least 5 years of experience, who want to move into their first journalism leadership role. A role where they will manage people, lead projects and have direct responsibility to determine news coverage at their organization. Consideration will be given to applicants in the first year of their first media leadership role.
 In the final application stage, finalists will be asked to provide a letter of support from newsroom management/supervisor. The letter should also serve as a letter of recommendation and state that the fellow will be given the adequate time to attend fellowship activities, including an intensive 5-day training on best practices around teaching solutions journalism.
Initiative offerings:
  • Fellowship stipend $6,500
  • Solutions Journalism Training
  • Leadership Training
  • Community conversations & mentorship
  • Webinars and Coaching
Fellowship activities:
  • Monthly one-on-one video calls with fellowship manager or network mentors
  • Monthly fellowship meetings
  • Trainings, Webinars and Workshops
  • Completing SJN’s “Train-The-Trainers” curriculum resulting in their accreditation as solutions journalism trainers

Application Deadline:

July 7th 2023

If you have any questions about the fellowship prior to submitting your application, please reach out to JOC fellowship project manager, Ja’Nel Johnson-Phillips at




Calls for participants. Call for applications for the Youth Delegation – World Forum for Democracy 2023. The World Forum for Democracy is a Fully Funded Conference in France for all the participants and Young Youth. The Forum invited Youth from around the world to come and talk about Democracy. The theme of the Conference for this year is “Can democracy guarantee and deliver peace”. IELTS is not required.

All the Expenses will be covered. The World Forum for Democracy Youth Delegation will arrive on 3rd November 2023 and the conference will be finished on 9th November. The Forum will cover the expenses during the Conference days. The Location of the Conference is European Youth Centre, Strasbourg. More details about the requirements, benefits, and the application process are given below.


Details About World Forum for Democracy 2023 (Fully Funded Conference in France)

  • Country: France
  • Conference Location: European Youth Centre, Strasbourg
  • Dates of Conference: 3rd Nov to 9th Nov 2023
  • No of Participants: Upto 60
  • Financial Benefits: Fully Funded
  • Who can Apply: Anyone, students, applicants, Youth
  • Deadline: 12th July 2023


About World Forum for Democracy 2023

The World Forum for Democracy is a unique platform where youth, decision maker and people debate solutions to key challenges for democracies worldwide.

The arrival of the Participants in France

All the Participants should arrive on Friday, the 3rd of November, and depart on Thursday, the 9th of November.

Financial Benefits

  • Travel and Visa: Airfare Travel expenses and visa costs will be covered.
  • Accommodation: Board and lodging are provided and paid for by the Council of Europe during the dates of the activity.


Conference Theme

“Democracy=Peace?” “Can democracy guarantee and deliver peace”

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be selected for the World Forum 2023, the youth applicants should be:

  • Be aged 18-30 (exceptions can be made in special cases)
  • Be able to communicate and work in English.
  • Be available to participate fully in the World Forum for Democracy and the preparation process.
  • Can be from any country from any academic Background.

Deadline and Selection

The last date to apply for the Fully Funded World Forum 2023 Conference is 12th July 2023. A waiting list may be established. Candidates will be informed during the first week of September 2023.

How to Apply (Application Process, Procedure)

The Application consists of 2 parts and the Link to the official call is given below:

  • An online application form must be completed via this link:
  • A short one min video that must be posted on an online platform e.g YouTube, Vimeo, e.t.c
  • Please read the call document









Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental issues

This experiential learning program has been designed by Paragon One in collaboration with Greenpeace USA to offer talented students an opportunity to develop and showcase their strategic problem solving and critical thinking skills by working on real work projects.

‍This program will focus on the Distributed Organizing Team (DOT) that engages with Greenpeace supporters and volunteers across the country. Externs will recruit GenZ participants from a USA based local organization and a University/College (their own preferred) to conduct primary research with the objective to suggest improvements to Greenpeace’s volunteer outreach for visitors and potential volunteers, based on their research and analysis.


  • Familiarize yourself with the vision, mission, and work of Greenpeace as well as learn about the overall GenZ sentiment about climate crisis and activism as observed in the recent past
  • Analyze current outreach collateral and assess the effectiveness of Greenpeace’s outreach
  • Conduct primary customer research with Gen Zers to evaluate sentiment and perception about climate crisis and activism
  • Create a concise presentation highlighting insights from your research and providing suggested improvements and next steps for improving Greenpeace’s volunteer outreach and activation strategy


We are seeking ambitious undergraduate and graduate students with a strong interest in communications, nonprofit and public administration, marketing strategy, and climate change. Students with backgrounds in communications, environmental science, and engagement strategy are highly encouraged to apply.

Rolling start dates

  • The start date for this Externship is rolling and students will be evaluated on a first come first serve basis. Applications will close when the Externship is full.
  • This Externship is a 10-hour-per-week fully remote experience where all meetings and events are recorded.
  • Receive your start date with your acceptance letter: This remote Externship will last 8 weeks.
  • This Externship is open to undergraduate students and graduate students.
  • This Externship is open to applicants all around the world.