A Beacon of Hope: Ejiogu Precious Ifunanya's Fight Against Drug Abuse

Meet Ejiogu Precious Ifunanya, a source of hope and inspiration, working hard to bring positive change in her community as a Grassroots Development Champion with DO. Her mission? To say a resolute "No" to pills and drug abuse.

“The prevalence of drug use among today's youths is a major concern. It seems like almost every day, we hear tragic news about vibrant young individuals losing their lives or their senses due to drug abuse. The alarming rate of addiction among the youth in our community compels me to take action and do something about it.”

In the vibrant neighborhood of Alimosho, Lagos, Precious has chosen Pogem School as the canvas for her transformative project. Armed with determination and the support of 15 enthusiastic participants, she set out to make a lasting impact.

With enthusiasm, Precious conducted a powerful sensitization program, fearlessly delving into the consequences of drug abuse. But she didn't stop there. She infused her sessions with knowledge, empowering young minds to embrace a drug-free life filled with promise and potential.

As the project unfolded, the pupils' understanding of drugs broadened exponentially, and their voices grew stronger. With confidence, they could now articulate the difference between legal and illegal drugs, arming themselves with awareness and conviction.

But the true magic happened when Precious and her participants took their advocacy beyond the walls of their own classroom. Undeterred by challenges, they ventured into other classes, igniting a ripple effect of change that spread throughout the entire school.

Through heartfelt interactions, the students discovered the intricate world of drugs - their various types, the profound psychological impact, and the potential medical repercussions of abuse. Their eyes were opened, and their hearts stirred to make a powerful pledge - to stay far away from illicit drugs, opting only for medications prescribed for their well-being.

With unwavering commitment, Precious continued her time-to-time visits to the school, reinforcing the crucial message with a personal touch. Supported by the Grassroot Development Champions, she ensured her young proteges received the best instructional materials to differentiate between legal and illegal drugs.

Ejiogu Precious Ifunanya's journey is not just about conducting a project; it's a testament to the indomitable spirit of youth, united in purpose and resilience. Her story reminds us that one determined individual can spark an extraordinary movement that transcends boundaries.

Witness the transformative power of Precious's advocacy against drug abuse, and let her story inspire you to believe in the potential of every young changemaker. As her message reminds us that small steps can lead to extraordinary impacts and that, together, we can create a brighter, drug-free future for all.

Join Precious to be a changemaker in your community, Visit dotakeaction.org.

Ejiogu Precious Ifunanya
Grassroot Development Champion

From Ignorance to Empowerment: Combating Fake News for a Better Society - Vannessa Onyinyechi Asotibe

I was completely unaware of the harmful impact false news could have on society. With the prevalence of WhatsApp broadcast messages circulating false information daily, I underestimated the seriousness of the issue. It wasn't until I witnessed firsthand the negative consequences of false information during the lead-up to an election that I realized the gravity of the problem. People were deliberately spreading unverified news to tarnish others' images and manipulate public perception.

Feeling compelled to make a difference, I took action and became a Grassroots Development Champion (GDC) with DO. I initiated the "Think Before You Share" project at Odums Community, Choba University, Rivers State, with the aim of creating awareness and combating fake news.

In the project, 15 adults were sensitized about the detrimental effects of false information and the importance of verifying news before sharing it. The participants were educated on how to identify and stop the spread of fake news and misinformation.

The impact was substantial, as people became more aware of the consequences of disseminating incorrect information. Furthermore, a significant number of participants pledged to refrain from engaging in the spread of false information and committed to being more discerning about its adverse effects.

Join Vannessa Onyinyechi Asotibe and become an active DOER, devoted to fostering sustainable development in your community. Take action today by visiting www.dotakeaction.org. Together, let's create a more informed and responsible society.

Vannessa Onyinyechi Asotibe
Grassroot Development Champion


The Power of One Vote: Driving Sustainable Development Through Democracy - Chude Arinze Timothy


With the election drawing near, a prevalent belief in my community was that non-elected officials did not represent the majority's choice. Additionally, many people felt that their votes would have little impact, leading to apathy towards the democratic process. I was inspired by this observation, so I proactively joined the DO Take Action organization and registered as a Grassroots Development Champion (GDC). My mission centered around executing the Show Up and Vote Right project, designed to increase awareness among individuals about the vital importance of actively engaging in the democratic process.

The project was executed in Nkwelle Ezunaka, Anambra State, Nigeria. The project aimed to raise awareness among the public about the significance of their votes and the importance of participating in the democratic process. Eight enthusiastic adults, all holders of valid PVCs (Permanent Voter Cards), attended the event.

During the event, participants actively engaged in discussions about their role as voters and the impact of voter apathy on national development. They recognized the power and voice that their PVCs bestowed upon them, emphasizing that they would not let their voices be silenced in the upcoming 2023 General Election.

The attendees demonstrated their determination to effect change by pledging to raise awareness about obtaining PVCs within their community and beyond, becoming advocates for the #GetyourPVC movement.

With this, Chude has been able to drive for sustainable development and promote democratic participation, inclusivity, and environmental consciousness. By encouraging active engagement in the democratic process, it seeks to empower communities to prioritize long-term, sustainable solutions and hold policymakers accountable for their actions.

Join Chude in taking action for sustainable development by visiting our website, www.dotakeaction.org, today.

Chude Arinze Timothy
Grassroot Development Champion


She STEM: Shattering Stereotypes and Building Dreams - Joy Goodwill

"Women shouldn't be seen as only jumping up and down or pressing computers" – this is a common saying in my community. The prevalence of such phrases has caused many young women to abandon their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) dreams. Determined to make a difference, I utilized the 8-month ASUU strike as an opportunity to reach out to these young women and inspire them to pursue their aspirations. That's when I discovered DO Take Action Organization, whose vision resonated with me, leading me to register as a Grassroot Development Champion with the goal of executing the "She STEM" project.

I conducted an educational session for ten young girls from Junior Secondary School Girls from Kuje , focusing on the significance of STEM careers and how women are underrepresented in these fields. During the session, we discussed profiles of successful women who pursued careers in STEM, engaging in a question and answer session to address their queries. To capture the impact of the event, we took pictures and recorded videos.

The outcome was remarkable, with seven of the secondary school students gaining a better understanding of STEM courses and their importance. They left feeling inspired to consider pursuing STEM careers. The impact of the initiative was truly significant, and the students even pledged to actively engage in STEM courses and careers.

This experience reinforced my commitment to empowering young women and dispelling harmful stereotypes, ensuring that they have the confidence and support to follow their dreams in STEM fields. Together, we are working towards a future where gender doesn't limit opportunities, and all individuals are encouraged to pursue their passions regardless of societal expectations.


Joy Goodwill
Grassroot Development Champion


Championing Change: Building a Resilient Generation through Education - Esther Williams Deshi

As a devoted advocate for education, I am determined to witness the future generation flourish in all aspects of life. In today's fast-paced world, the prevalence of negative peer pressures in the digital realm, today's youths can easily be led astray  and this has made it all the more critical to take action and work towards a more sustainable future for our youths. With a resolute spirit, I registered as a Grassroot development champion at DO Take Action, ready to create positive change starting from one child at a time. My focus was set on the vibrant Yarkade 1 Community.

As I stepped into the Yarkade 1 Community, I was welcomed with warmth and curiosity. The children's eager faces fueled my determination to empower them with the tools they needed to navigate the challenges of the modern world. Conversations began, and I dived into discussing vital topics such as career goals, personal hygiene, mental health, and the pursuit of quality education. The digital shift had opened up numerous opportunities for them, but it also brought the risk of negative influences.

As discussions delved deeper, I stressed the importance of moral values. I urged the children to stay away from social vices like drugs, prostitution, and negative peer groups, which could jeopardize their promising futures. Together, we explored the significance of ethical choices, empathy, and respect for one another, fostering a supportive environment where everyone could thrive.

Recognizing that the journey towards a better future involved the active participation of parents, I engaged them in open dialogues. I encouraged them not to shy away from educating their children on moral values and sex education. By breaking the barriers of communication, we addressed teenage pregnancy concerns and highlighted the essential role parents play in shaping their children's character and aspirations.

The advocacy proved to be an enlightening seminar for all involved. The children and parents shared their dreams, aspirations, and a vision for a brighter community. Witnessing the teenagers passionately choosing their career paths and understanding the positive impact they could make left me profoundly inspired.

As the project reached its conclusion, we distributed sanitary pads, notebooks, and pens to the children. It was heartening to see their excitement, knowing that these simple tools held the potential to unlock their potential. A total of 50 children from 25 households participated and benefited from the initiative.

The project's impact extended beyond the children; it reached the very fabric of the Yarkade 1 Community. The parents, predominantly farmers, recognized the value of education and pledged to prioritize their children's learning journeys. Their commitment reflected a united effort towards a more prosperous and enlightened society.

As I reflect on the journey, I am humbled by the transformative power of education and advocacy. Connecting with the Yarkade 1 Community and witnessing the growth of its children has reaffirmed my dedication to empowering the younger generation. Together, we are sowing the seeds of a promising future, where education, resilience, and moral values stand as pillars of a thriving community. As we take on one child at a time, we shape a collective destiny that embraces positivity, progress, and a world of endless possibilities.

Esther Williams Deshi
(Grassroot Development Champion)


From Confined to Confident: Empowering Women in Chikun LGA

In my locality, a significant number of women are considered underprivileged and vulnerable. In our community, women are often confined to the role of marriage and denied the chance to pursue their own lives. However, as a man, I've come to realize that this perception is not accurate. Having had the privilege to explore other societies, I saw how well women were doing there and felt the need for greater women's development in my own community.

To address this issue, I took action and registered as a Grassroot Development Champion (GDC) with DO Take Action. I initiated a program to empower women in my community at Chikun LGA, Kaduna. I provided a one-month computer skills training to 10 vulnerable adolescent and young girls.

The training covered various aspects, including computer appreciation and an introduction to IT career opportunities. Participants learned practical applications of Microsoft Office Word, Excel for data entry and computations, and PowerPoint for presentations. Additionally, they were trained in operating business machines like photocopiers, printers, and scanners.

The key results of the training were remarkable. Eight participants gained a proficient understanding of Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. They also acquired the ability to operate printers, scanners, and photocopiers. Furthermore, at least 10 participants pledged to utilize their newly acquired skills.

To ensure continued progress, we have an M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) plan in place. Regular follow-ups with the beneficiaries will help us identify those who have secured employment using their skills. Additionally, I am actively working on expanding our network to provide these young women with suitable part-time job opportunities.

Furthermore, to enhance the beneficiaries' skills, an agreement has been established with SKyclass Pro ICT Centre, allowing them to participate in an internship program. This opportunity will enable them to sharpen their skills and master the computer programs they have learned. Monitoring their progress at the centre will help us ensure their continuous growth.

Overall, I am committed to promoting women's development in my community and will continue my efforts to empower them with the necessary skills and opportunities for a brighter future.

Growing up I always pondered about my future.

Growing up, I always pondered about my future, envisioning myself in the shoes of today's vibrant and enthusiastic youths. Their energy and passion inspired me to take action and make a positive change in my community. Driven by my passion for teaching, I decided to impart valuable skills to teenagers, encouraging them to learn and grow.

As a Grassroot Development champion at DO, I chose to work with Kpaduma Community Junior Secondary School in Asokoro. My goal was to teach them how to make slippers from simple materials. The results were astounding! The children not only learned the art of crafting slippers but also embraced the knowledge enthusiastically. They were eager to create their own slippers, using whatever materials they could find at home.

Witnessing the joy on their faces as they learned and practiced at home filled my heart with pride. At least 10 participants pledged to start with carton paper before acquiring the necessary materials to craft beautiful slippers for themselves. Their constant questions about where to buy materials and the cost of things showed their determination to save up and continue their learning journey.

Moreover, their enthusiasm extended beyond school hours, as they willingly invested their time in mastering the craft. Seeing their dedication was a true testament to the impact I had on their lives. Knowing that I played a part in fostering their curiosity and passion for skill development was immensely rewarding.

My experience with the students of Kpaduma Community Junior Secondary School reaffirmed my belief in the power of education and mentorship. Through these humble beginnings, I aspire to continue making a positive difference in the lives of youths, nurturing their dreams and empowering them to become skilled and self-reliant individuals. Together, we can create a brighter future for our communities, one step at a time.

Join me in taking action by visiting the dotakeaction.org and execute a project for a sustainable future.


In the relentless battle against the wicked issues that plague our beloved nation, Nigeria, it is crystal clear that the key to victory lies in the hands of our young and vibrant generation. At  DO , we firmly believe in empowering these extraordinary individuals to make a resounding impact right from the grassroots level.

Today, we are thrilled beyond measure to announce our groundbreaking partnership with the School of Science and Technology Education at the Federal University of Technology Minna. This alliance represents a fusion of passion, purpose, and determination to create lasting change in our society. Together, we will pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous Nigeria.

Empowering the Driving Force: GDCs (Grassroot Development Champions)

One of the cornerstones of our mission is to raise awareness about critical issues affecting our nation and to empower young people to initiate change in their lives and communities. Through this new collaboration, we are presented with an unparalleled opportunity to actively engage with over 3,000 registered student GDCs, who serve as the driving force behind transformative change at FUTMINNA.

Our partnership will be a catalyst for greatness as we guide, support, and empower these incredible young minds to take action on the issues that resonate deeply with them. From spearheading environmental sustainability initiatives to leading the charge for social justice and combating drug abuse on campus, these students are the unsung heroes creating tangible impacts within their own communities.

Amplifying Impact: The Power of Unity

With DO expertise in community-driven initiatives and FUTMINNA's commitment to academic excellence, we are poised to achieve remarkable milestones in addressing the challenges that confront Nigeria. By fostering an environment of innovation, creativity, and collaboration, we will nurture these young change-makers to become the vanguards of progress and sustainable development.

A Call to Action: Building a Better Future Let us come together to identify, understand, and combat the issues that hinder progress and growth. Through knowledge, dedication, and collective action, we will break barriers and open doors to a brighter future.

Whether you are a student, faculty member, or staff, your participation is crucial in building a better Nigeria. Embrace your role as a change agent and contribute your ideas, passion, and expertise to drive our nation forward.


DO's partnership with FUTMINNA marks the dawn of a new era in the fight against social challenges in Nigeria. Through this collaboration, we aim to empower, educate, and elevate the young minds who will shape our nation's destiny. Together, we will create a ripple effect of positive change, touching lives, and building a stronger, more resilient Nigeria.

Join us in this exciting journey of transformation and empowerment. Together, we will make history, leaving an indelible mark on our beloved nation and the generations to come. Let's take action and secure a brighter future for Nigeria.

DO partners with Impact Market

Today, we proudly unveil a powerful alliance that embodies our mission to drive positive change. DO Take Action has joined forces with Impact Market, a visionary organization harnessing Web3 technology to deliver accessible financial solutions to women entrepreneurs.

Together, we are embarking on an extraordinary journey to empower individuals, with a special focus on supporting women entrepreneurs, and fostering sustainable development globally.

Imagine a world where financial services are accessible to all, regardless of geographical boundaries or socio-economic status.

A central pillar of this collaboration is our resolute focus on women entrepreneurs. We recognize the immense potential they hold in driving change within their communities. Our partnership seeks to provide these enterprising women with business support loans, tailored to fuel their dreams and aspirations.

By empowering women entrepreneurs, we are not only creating opportunities for individual growth, but also igniting a chain reaction of progress. When these remarkable leaders thrive, they become beacons of inspiration for others, encouraging them to dream big and embrace their own potential.

From Financial Assistance to Community Involvement: Paving the Path to Sustainable Development

Empowerment goes beyond financial assistance; it's about encouraging active community involvement. As women entrepreneurs receive the support they need, they are inspired to give back to their communities. By fostering a sense of responsibility towards their localities, they become architects of sustainable development and catalysts for positive transformations.

In the spirit of our mission, we envision a future where every community has the tools and resources it needs to thrive. By uplifting individuals, we are laying the foundation for a world where collective progress knows no bounds.

A Call to Action: Our Journey Ahead

This partnership between DO Take Action and Impact Market is a testament to the power of collaboration in effecting real change. Our collective dedication to a brighter future compels us to forge ahead, exploring new frontiers, and innovating for greater impact.

As we set forth on this transformative journey, we invite all of you to join hands with us. Whether as advocates, supporters, or potential beneficiaries, each of you plays an integral role in this pursuit of empowerment and inclusivity.

Together, let's redefine what is possible. Let's embrace the potential of Web3 technology and the indomitable spirit of women entrepreneurs. Let's sow the seeds of sustainable development, nurtured by a deep sense of community and shared progress.

Empowering Change, One Action at a Time

At DO Take Action, we've always believed that every action, no matter how small, can make a difference. Today, we take a giant leap forward, knowing that our partnership with Impact Market will be a game-changer for countless lives around the world.


DO partners with Z-zurich Foundation

Our mission is clear: to empower and recruit 10,000 Grassroot Development Champions, who will spearhead efforts for a sustainable future and make a positive impact on both the environment and social development.

In this regard, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Z-zurich foundation. Together, we are embarking on a journey to combat Climate Change Adaptation, enhance flood resilience in Nigeria, and promote She STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education. 

Climate change impacts every corner of the globe, and Nigeria is no exception. Rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and erratic rainfall patterns pose significant threats to communities, especially those in vulnerable areas. Through this partnership, we aim to bolster climate change adaptation strategies and enhance flood resilience in Nigeria. Together, we will engage with local communities, policymakers, and experts to implement sustainable solutions that can safeguard lives and livelihoods from the adverse effects of climate change.

A key pillar of this partnership is the promotion of She STEM – this is geared towards enrolling girls into STEM courses and careers. We firmly believe that empowering young girls with STEM education is not only a matter of gender equality but also a vital step towards driving sustainable development in Nigeria. By breaking down barriers and encouraging girls to embrace STEM fields, we open doors to innovation, creativity, and problem-solving that are crucial in tackling the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Central to this initiative is the recruitment and empowerment of 10,000 Grassroot Development Champions. These champions will be the driving force behind the positive changes we seek to bring about. By working closely with communities, local organizations, and schools, our champions will foster awareness, inspire action, and implement projects that tackle climate change and promote She STEM. We firmly believe that change starts at the grassroots level, and with our dedicated GDCs, we can create a cascading effect that reaches every corner of Nigeria.

The partnership between @zzurichfoundation and @dotakeaction is not just about rhetoric; it's about real action, tangible results, and lasting impact. We invite everyone to join us on this transformative journey. Whether you're a student, a professional, an environmental enthusiast, or a supporter of gender equality, your support matters. Together, we can drive sustainable development in Nigeria, combat climate change, and create a future where every girl has an equal opportunity to thrive in STEM fields.

Follow us closely as we share inspiring stories, updates on our projects, and opportunities to get involved. Let's shape a sustainable and inclusive future for Nigeria.